Tuesday, April 7, 2009
NCS Student Council
We are learning how to vote and children's rights and responsibilities. Most of all children should have there opinions heard.
On Monday we had a vote about the student council. It was a long day. We had to give a speech about how we should vote for the student council our speech was that we should leave it how it was last year. Now you're probably thinking what is last years voting. Well only year 6's could be councilors and year 5 and 6 could vote. It was unfair for little kids because they couldn't vote or be a councilor. That's all we have to say. Bye.
Student Council Votes
On Monday we had to vote for a way to vote for the student council. We voted for either opinion 1`2`3`4 or`5 we decided for the option we wanted. Not only Totara syndicate but the whole school voted. We got a piece of paper that had five circles and five options next to it then we went in to a cubicle to tick the circle next to the opinion that we want to vote for, then we put it in a big black box. Once everybody voted they went off for a game of dodge ball. Some Totara students stayed inside the hall to explain the options to other students. It went until 1:45 to 3:00 o`clock and after that we all went home.
ncs student council reference
We have been learning about children's right to have their opinions heard from the UN children's rights convention. The reason why we are doing this is because only Totara syndicate was getting represented by the student council.
First we wrote drafts about what the student council is. Then we did speeches to see whose was the best out of 9 groups. Then on Monday we had an expo about the student council. Each class in Totara syndicate did a presentation. Everyone got to vote on whose class they thought was best out of Option 1 Keep the old system, Option 2 Room 1, Option 3 Room 2, Option 4 Room7,Option 5 Room 8. Then on Tuesday 5 people from room 8 counted up the votes to see whose class won but we don't know whose class won yet. We think it is not fair because year 1-5 don't get represented. The sudent council is made up of year 6s. Year 5s are complaning.